Friday, November 10, 2006

They make my day..literally

Today's been a good for me ,just before the Jumma prayer ,Dr.Ezzedain called me over the phone , he asked me to call Joanne freeman , wakefeild hospital medical personnel staff ,and so I did , she didn't anwser immediately as I have to leave her two messages -apparently, she was out on her lunch break , any how , she finally anwsered and told to e-mail her my CV and she will get back to me soon , hopefully..

one other thing is still keeping me busy , my freind Soliman had me involved in his frantic search for graduate work in over 30 major companies , applying here and there , filling up applications and sending cover letters , you know , that kind of crap he has to do anyway , but not me !!

1 comment:

Chatalaine / شاتالاين said...

So tell us what did the lady at the hospital want?